
Investors Chasing Yield Head to QLD

By |2017-08-28T04:14:22+10:00July 31st, 2017|News|

Quisque ligulas ipsum, euismod atras vulputate iltricies etri elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum sodales ante a purus volutpat euismod. Proin sodales quam nec ante sollicitudin lacinia. Ut egestas bibendum tempor. Morbi non nibh sit amet ligula blandit ullamcorper in nec risus. Pellentesque fringilla diam faucibus

Is this the year of the townhouse?

By |2017-06-05T23:22:50+10:00December 7th, 2015|News|

Is this the year of the townhouse? As the saying goes, ‘what goes around, comes around’. Such is the case of the humble townhouse in Australia. In the latter half of 2016 the townhouse experienced a resurgence, with this typology quickly becoming the dwelling of choice for off the plan purchasers disillusioned by the oversupplied

Brisbane favoured by investors

By |2017-06-05T23:29:25+10:00December 6th, 2015|News|

Technology is Here to Stay Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus purus nisl, elementum vitae consequat at, tristique ut enim. Sed ut dignissim leo. Nullam sed metus id sapien faucibus rhoncus sed at magna. Nullam eget ornare leo, eget aliquam ante. Sed cursus malesuada fringilla. Cras porta ipsum sed nibh consectetur,

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